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week 9 reading and writing

Week 9 reading and writing 

Overall the reading and writing assignments are going well I have completed all the reading and writing assignments sometimes I do find it hard to keep up with everything because of other assignments and work but overall I find the readings really helpful towards the projects because most of the readings are about game development or game design. My favorite reading would have to be the one about game design on week 3 I learned a lot about multiple types of game design I also learned a lot about game designers and how they are so many things combined into one such as artists, architectures etc with the readings I feel like they help us research different types of game aspects which is really helpful with creating a game and developing it. From reading the readings each week I have got better at skimming through them and remembering the information because at the start of this semester it took me a while to read through them and I kept forgetting what I read but I feel like I have got a lot better at it. I am happy with how my project is going I had a fair idea on what I wanted to do from the beginning and I just kept researching and looking into similar games and looked at what aspects of certain games I wanted to add to my game I feel like the unity tutorials helped a lot with starting my game in unity but I did find it hard to get the hand of unity and I felt like I was behind because I didn't know how to work it but I feel like I am getting the hang of it. I still find c script really hard but I am only a beginner so maybe overtime I will get better at it. When I started the prototype of my game I added most of the design aspects first before the mechanics I downloaded a lot of items from the asset store and added them into my game to make it look similar to what I imagined it looking like which it did I then add some mechanics such as characters, music and a pick up aspect to the game were the character can pick up items. I consider my prototype my biggest accomplishment for this class because I put a lot of effort into creating it and spent a lot of time on it and I feel like visually it looks very good and so far the mechanics in the prototype work. I feel like the overall project aspect to this class is my favorite part even though I do not play games I feel like I am learning a lot and I am actually creating something that I like in unity.

game elements-game elements

This image that I chose is from a reading about game elements in week 4 I really like this image because it shows all the aspect of different game elements which I think is very useful for beginners and it is easy to understand. 

I am looking forward to adding more aspects to my prototype so that I can learn what works for my game and what does not work I would like to learn more about characters in a game so character movement and character dialogue I would also like to learn more about menus in a game. Moving forward I would like to improve on my skills in unity especially c script but overall I am happy with how things are going so far.


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