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Review week comments and feedback

Review week comments and feedback

feedback in

Overall I feel that the comments and feedback are really useful towards making my game I feel that I need the feedback to help me create a good game because I do not play a lot of games and I feel like other people in the year have a better knowledge of games than me so when I get feedback it is really helpful towards me creating game. The comments I am finding most helpful are the ones that are telling me how I can better my game or what I can do to help fix certain aspects in my game that I am having trouble with for example I was having trouble with writing out c script from video tutorials and someone mentioned that sometimes there is links under the tutorials of the c script that I can just copy and paste which was really helpful.

Feedback out

Overall I feel like most of my comments are hopefully useful to other students I do try to give people feedback if needed but I do also praise their work so my feedback does not seem to harsh but I have been giving feedback every week and have tried to make my feedback better by trying to help people out with their games and how they can improve their games. I have found that trying not to be too harsh with giving feedback and praising peoples work before giving them feedback helps a lot so they do not feel to upset with the feedback rather then just criticising someones work and making them feel bad about it. I am getting some good ideas from reading peoples blogs about their projects and it is good to know what other people are doing for their project so if I like any aspects that are in someones project I can add them into my own.

Blog comments

I feel like I am getting to know people better by reading their blogs and learning new things about them that I never knew about them it is really interesting I am also happy with how my introduction blog turned out I tried to add as much information about my self as possible and I feel like people who do not talk to me as much would get a good perspective of what I am like and what I like to do. I feel like from doing the blog comments on peoples introductions I have got to know a lot of people in the year a lot better from reading their blogs which I feel is good.

looking forward

I feel like I should help people more and tell them how they can better their game I could also read some readings on how to give good feedback so that I could be more helpful and give better advice to people. I feel like some of my blogs are rushed I feel like I could also improve on my vocab in some of my blogs but they are not too bad. I feel like looking forward I can improve on some things and try to balance all my work so I can better my blog comments as I do tend to rush them sometimes.

review week-review week


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