Game elements
I found the reading very interesting the reading explained the qualities of games all games have recurring themes such as games have rules, conflict, goals, decision making and a uncertain outcome games are also activities, voluntary, they contain elements of make believe, they are art and a closed system.Games are formal elements which means they are explicitly defined. I also learned about the atomic elements of games which are players some examples of player structure would be solitaire(1 player vs the game) and free for all(1 player vs 1 player vs 1 player ..), objectives some common objectives are capture, destroy, collection,solve,chase,race,escape,build and negation of another goal, rules there are three categories of rules setup, progression of play and resolution, resources is a broad category it means everything is under control of a single player , game state everything in the game together including the current player resources and everything else that makes up a snapshot of the game at a single point in time is called the game state, information a few games offer total information where all players see the complete game state at all times and games can include information that is private to each individual, sequencing some games are purely turn based and other games are turn based but with simultaneous play and other games are real time, player interaction examples of this are direct conflict, negotiation,trading and information sharing, theme(backstory,narrative,backstory) and games as systems the definition of game is not perfect but looking at all of them we can see an emerging theme.
I also learned about critical analysis which is not just a game review it is useful when discussing or comparing games we look at the parts of the games in order to understand how each part relates to the play experience critical analysis is also useful when examining our own works in progress. There are many ways to critically analyze a game such as describing the games formal elements, describing the results of the formal elements when put in motion and to try to understand why designers chose those elements there are also questions to ask yourself during critical analysis such as what challenges do the players face, how do players affect each other and is the game perceived by others fair. I also learned that games are a system, understanding a game is much easier if you have played it, analyzing a game requires looking at all of the games working parts and designing a game requires the creation of all of the game parts.
players-This helped me understand players and how many players can be in certain games.
player interaction-This helped me understand player interaction better.
rules-I now know the rules of a game.
I found the reading very interesting the reading explained the qualities of games all games have recurring themes such as games have rules, conflict, goals, decision making and a uncertain outcome games are also activities, voluntary, they contain elements of make believe, they are art and a closed system.Games are formal elements which means they are explicitly defined. I also learned about the atomic elements of games which are players some examples of player structure would be solitaire(1 player vs the game) and free for all(1 player vs 1 player vs 1 player ..), objectives some common objectives are capture, destroy, collection,solve,chase,race,escape,build and negation of another goal, rules there are three categories of rules setup, progression of play and resolution, resources is a broad category it means everything is under control of a single player , game state everything in the game together including the current player resources and everything else that makes up a snapshot of the game at a single point in time is called the game state, information a few games offer total information where all players see the complete game state at all times and games can include information that is private to each individual, sequencing some games are purely turn based and other games are turn based but with simultaneous play and other games are real time, player interaction examples of this are direct conflict, negotiation,trading and information sharing, theme(backstory,narrative,backstory) and games as systems the definition of game is not perfect but looking at all of them we can see an emerging theme.
I also learned about critical analysis which is not just a game review it is useful when discussing or comparing games we look at the parts of the games in order to understand how each part relates to the play experience critical analysis is also useful when examining our own works in progress. There are many ways to critically analyze a game such as describing the games formal elements, describing the results of the formal elements when put in motion and to try to understand why designers chose those elements there are also questions to ask yourself during critical analysis such as what challenges do the players face, how do players affect each other and is the game perceived by others fair. I also learned that games are a system, understanding a game is much easier if you have played it, analyzing a game requires looking at all of the games working parts and designing a game requires the creation of all of the game parts.
players-This helped me understand players and how many players can be in certain games.
player interaction-This helped me understand player interaction better.
rules-I now know the rules of a game.
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game elements-game elements |
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