Game design
I taught that the first reading that I have read was interesting and it taught me a lot such as the definition of what a game is and how to differentiate between different games. I also learned how games are defined which is that a game has an objective, an outcome and a set of rules a game also has properties which are free, separate, unproductive, make believe, closed formal system and formal, games are a form of art in which the participants make decisions in order to pursuit a goal. So far from the first reading what I have learned is that games have rules, conflict, goals, they involve decision making, they involve no material gain, they have an uncertain outcome, they have a system and they are a representation of something real.Games such as puzzles and role-playing games usually have problems and will likely be imperfect. I have also learned that most games are stories and games and play are concepts that are related. From this reading I have expanded my knowledge about games and information about them I have also learned how simple it is to just sit down and create an idea for a game and to design a game even though it might not be the best game but as long it is a functional game it is fine.
I have learned a lot about game design from the second reading such as the multiple types of design such as system design, level design, content design, user interface design, world-building, and story writing system design is the main type of design we will be using system design is about defining basic rules of the game and in general system design is the creation of rules for setup, rules for progression of the play and rules for resolution. I have also learned what it is like to be a game designer game designers are artists, architects, party hosts, research scientists, lawyers and educators so game designers do a lot in their field. There is also design risks in game designing because the game might not be fun and people may not like it which is why most designers iterate to lower that risk also trying out the game yourself can also reduce the risk of people disliking your game then make changes to the game after trying it out the more you iterate on your game the better the game will be a shorter, simpler game will be a better experience to the player.
What is a game - I enjoyed this link because he explained what a game is in dept and I got to actually understand what a game is which is that games are objects which consist of components and rules.
making a game for the first time- I enjoyed this link because it explained how to create a game and to mainly base your games on similar games you may know and to focus on the game play and to always iterate.
game career guide-I chose this link because it explained more in dept about games such as prototyping, eliminate graphics, game play, design problems etc.
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Game design-game design |
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